Monday, March 31, 2008

Resourceability of a Resource!

"Resources" are the fundamental element of any function to be able to deliver the estimated or expected deliverables to the desired exponentials in and for the given time and conditional constraints.
A resource could mean a human resource , cash , equipment , material ,time etc.

In myriad management books by Koontz and the other management Gurus we are hammered with the jargonous fundas on importance of a resource , it's appropriate utilization and remuneration etc.
Managers are supposed to spend magnum time over resource planning , scheduling and usage to achieve the most for minimum cash outflow of the organization's treasury ,aren't they?

Mis-managed managers do just the opposite prooving all the characteristic requisites of a manager to be patient ,encouraging ,motivating the "team spirit" a faux passe.

Resources (particularly human) have different and disctinct talents and potentials.Lethargic resources believe that the organization has employed them to use the interenet , telecoms, stationary , electricity and other assets for a handsome remuneration. Those who believe that they were born to work find it extremely difficult to find time to remain idle and enjoy the spaciousness of their A/C office.Such blokes often even overlook the window besides their seat or the change of their chair etc.To such "useless" resources work is not a barter for remuneration and perks its their passion for enjoying life.

There have been instances where people who develop an instant and spontaneius apathy and nausea for work when it arrives spend time searching alternatives on work escape routes.The workoholics like my friends Rohan & Bharat work for the pleasure that they derive out of it and often finish their work much before time. They don't really intend to encourage the lazy resources but end up completing their work for they tag it as a challenge when the deadlines are right over your head!

People need to understand that the overhead costs must always be kept minimum by optimal usage and allocation of the budgets for each overhead. Resource must be a source of generating worthwhile output for the remuneration given and not just another head contributing to the idle eating head count of the organization.

I feel nothing but guilty at usage of the internet or A/C for personal purposes in office.Perhaps, that's all because of my upbringing where I saw my dad walking down or taking up a taxi for every single visit that was not official. No wonder that it must have appeared foolish insisting my manager for the job description when I had to sit idle for 3 days out of the first five days in office!

Agreeing with Lara (a colleague) who told me that it hit her so many times in the past year "why did they employ me if there wasn't any work for me?" Believe me I have been struggling to answer this question for the past 12 days.Well,may be this is what is it takes to be "corporate".

Thus, A true corporate is the one who:
1.Is busy all the time : with personal calls , chats, surfing.
2. Is the one who only pretends to work and appear busy all the time during office hours.
3.Is the one who stays at the office after office hours creating an image that he/she is a contributing employee.
4. Is the one who wears the latest branded apparel and is a master in red-tapism.

Well , Ashwin had once written a blog on the desired verdict of his loved ones on his 50th birthday...just praying that if I live for so long....the only thing wish would be to hear is that "may be she is not very smart , not very beautiful ,not very intelligent but she is dedicated ,determined and disciplined"!
Will certainly publish what they actually have to say out for this space for more on it later!


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