Construction projects could be undertaken by the public, private and international sectors or any combination of these three. Public sector projects are usually initiated by the government for the welfare of public deploying the resources generated through taxes , revenues etc collected from the people. These projects can be classified broadly into two namely, infrastructural & residential. The infrastructural projects include transport & communication , amenities , power plants , dams etc. They have a huge financial outlay and are vital in developing the nation and building a stronger national economy.
Construction projects could be undertaken by the public, private and international sectors or any combination of these three. Public sector projects are usually initiated by the government for the welfare of public deploying the resources generated through taxes , revenues etc collected from the people. These projects can be classified broadly into two namely, infrastructural & residential. The infrastructural projects include transport & communication , amenities , power plants , dams etc. They have a huge financial outlay and are vital in developing the nation and building a stronger national economy.
Delays in such projects obstacle the way of national progress .
Many construction projects are subject to delays, which can have severe financial penalties for contractor, subcontractor or client. Unfortunately , “delays” have become a repetitive syndrome and affect the entire national economy.
Hence , a study of causes and consequences of delay in public sector-long span surface transport projects would be of use in attempting an analysis and proposing a solution.
Many construction projects are subject to delays, which can have severe financial penalties for contractor, subcontractor or client. Unfortunately , “delays” have become a repetitive syndrome and affect the entire national economy.
Hence , a study of causes and consequences of delay in public sector-long span surface transport projects would be of use in attempting an analysis and proposing a solution.
The aim ,objectives,scope & need for such a study could be summarized as below:
Aim :
To define & determine delay and its causes for long span surface-transport projects in public sector and to study the causes & consequences of delays through investigative survey.
Thus, to derive or develop or suggest an approach or method or tool in the form of a module or a template or flow chart that shall eventually provide for minimizing or eliminating delays.
#To conduct an investigative survey through various levels of the industry.
#To determine and define avoidable and unavoidable delay.
#To determine the variables of delays in surface transport projects through investigation.
#To determine the exponentials of the variables thus established.
#To compare the delay patterns or causes in public and private sectors through documentation.
#To develop a system to check and alarm the possible delay at various junctures.
#To propose a module or template to eliminate or minimize the delay in different situations. Scope
The research shall include the study of the causes and consequences of delay in public sector projects through investigative survey. The chosen area of study shall be of (estimated) long span – surface transport projects in the public sector.
The surface transport projects for purpose of this study shall only include roads, highways, subways, bridges or fly-overs.
Need of the study:
*There has not been much work on the subject to which one can refer to though various techniques are discussed in different works.
*The roads , highway , bridges etc construction involves huge investments and capital sum gets blocked for a longer period than estimated duration of project . This leads to escalation of cost and time . Public sector works suffer tremendously due this.
*The transport networks build communication between various places within and outside the country. The efficiency of transport systems determines the success of a nation. The connectivity between cities, town and villages helps in reducing the distances and travelling time too. Delay in transport projects damages the communication and affects trade & commerce . A lot of inconvenience is caused due to this to the traffic congestions , excavations etc to the general public.
Method of study :
Phase 1: Literature Review and establishing the aim and objectives of the study.
Phase 2: Formulation of questionnaires and conducting a survey through various sections of construction industry.
Phase 3: Analyzing the survey and determining the variables of delay and their exponentials.
Phase 4: Comparative studies and documentation.
Phase 5: Analysis of the case study results.
Phase 6: Developing an approach on basis of the results obtained and determining the features and pattern of working of the module to be suggested.
Phase 7: Installing the model and observing the working.
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