Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The soulmate...

Mates don't meet all that often,
Souls don't interact unless otherwise spiritual,
Eternity does not strike a chord for affinity,
Innocence remains too far to seem close to reality,
Trust and faith would oppose existence of an identity,
Self-assertion replaces conviction disturbing stability,
Full of conspiracy and selfish conjunction for desires of longetivity,
Unless soulmates happen!

It's all very easy and pre-defined to develop a liking,
Difficult is to accept and confess the adorance,
It's simple to fall in love but most likely a difficulty to confess commitment,
Words or simply the lack of it might truly be the reason,
Nither a language nor a song will bring the unsaid to said,
A customized conspiracy shalt not awaken the hearts,
Demon within glistening the evil of thoughts,
Unless soulmates happen!

Promises are made to be broken,
Silence maintained as a self-righteous token,
The brunt of jealousy shalt ruin all the fun,
Apathic virtues and selfish wisdom barrier the happiness,
The traces of estrangeship flagged on every heart,
The grass on the other side would always appear in blossom,
Victory and triumph are the emotions so rotten,
Unless soulmates happen!

Stressing the words to prove a point,
Seperation and distress is most likely outcome,
Wounded souls hurt and pessimistic,
The nebula shadowed by the nebulous nigh,
Glutton's greed for more of rustic gallore,
The blue sky- seemless yet seeming not enough,
The rise and fall is all that fate seems,
Unless soulmates happen!

The sun and the moon play the game of mates,
Commoners fail a notice of the two souls playing hide and seek,
The night falls and the ego alarmingly wakens the sun's pride,
The subtle beauty de la lune sure gets blotted with the spots,
The two spend the night crossing guns,
As the night proceeds to dawn;their laughter fills the air around,
The fluttering lashes of the shy moon bid the smiling sun for a bright day ahead,
Unless we identify....the soulmates happen to dampen the worldly spirits!

Green emeralds,
Blue saphires,
Lusty desires and moutaining ambitions,
Shine,rise and blossom only till the beauty of black exists,
The grays in temprament,The blues in time and desserted tides,
Allure us to be the destination,
Until soulmates happen!

Friends in smiles away by miles,
Distances near stretched so far,
Lone world would always seem apart,
Past would be grim,
Future would be a relief of sigh,
Nights would bring in only the dark,
Soulmates happen in the midst of heat and sun,
On a bloomy night with a distressed instinct,
Blowing away all the charred emotions,
That's when soulmates happen!

Soulmates share the joy of togetherness,
The symbiosis of two distinct worlds,
The urge to shed a tear and wipe it too,
The desire to admit,accept,confess and commit,
Soulmates win and lose only to themselves,
Selflessness and art of giving virtue,
That's the magic of mates once they happen!


Xorkes said...

whoopss thats long
well written though! :)

thefloweringcactus said...

thanks XORKES!