Thursday, March 27, 2008

The girl who loves the shadow...

The girl who loves the shadow,
The shadow of the tree she appertains to,
The advocacy that has been the crescendo to aggrandize her small world,
Shadow she idolizes so much not for it's grandeur but for being the amateur in a lone world of hers,
Moments that glistened her childhood memories forming the chunk of the alcove in her life,
She learnt to love the imperfection in the perfection under the amenity of the shadow.

The almanac flipped through and the girl of yesterday turned into a lady of the morrow,
The world was a bit blunt and ruthless to her for they blamed her to be the overshadowed by the shadow,
She was persuaded to ponder if she was victimised and her talent been compared to the mights of the tree,
Worldly premises made her acrid and unfortunately apathic too,
The girl who once loved the shadow,no longer played under it's roof,
The girl was no longer the girl she was,she was no a lady but too aloof!

The girl strived hard to make her own destiny,
The destiny she felt fell crashed under the widespread of the tree,

She managed to rebel,but lacked finesse and pragmatism,
The falls were tougher than those she perceived,
Until one day that she was struck with a cadence,
An Apostle revived her wounds and made her to ambit for the moments she treasured in her life,
She kept restrospecting for days and months but could not gather anything beyond the wonderful moments that she owed to the shadow,
Bolted was she to acknowledge and accept,but the apostle was her own soul who still loved the tree and the shadow.

The girl transformed into a women in no time,
May not be called an amazon exactly but certainly rid of the baggage in her almira,
She realized how lucky she was to be associated with the tree and the shadow,
The journey there forth was easier though not a smooth ride,
But,atleast she was n't running behind illusions,
Her goals were set and she was focused,
This time she din't chase the shadow,she borrowed it's company forever.

The year ahead is her year,the year in which her search for identity will reach it's destination,
The search and effort that would make the tree and the shadow proud of her,
The shadow not the sign of her,rather she being the reason of existence for the shadow,
The girl is just one like us,
The new year is just a platform for her aspirations to set free,
She might fall,she might manage to stand in struggle,the strength shall still remain to be her shadow.